About Us

Poets Square Pharmacy has been operating for 30 years in both retail and in the unique service of pre-packaging medications for many organizations.

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Benefits of Using Poets Square Pharmacy

  • Ensure that every camper gets the correct medication and dosage, at the right time and on the right day.
  • The risk of medication errors are reduced
  • Increases efficiency of camp staff and medical personnel
  • Medication administration time is reduced allowing campers to return to activities sooner.

To submit forms, please fill out and email to info@poetrx.com or fax to 732-409-3440. To request more information, please use our Contact form below!

Packaging Fees

If your child goes to camp for…

Up to 30 days: $45.00

  • Includes Shipping before camp starts
  • Fee is per camper not per prescription
  • Does not include cost of medication

Things You Need to Know:

1. Please have physician write all prescription and on-prescription meds and vitamins (taken daily and “as needed”)

2. If the med is to be taken daily, the prescription should specify daily, with the time of day, (morning, lunch, bedtime, etc.) If a prescription is written as “once a day” with no specific time, the medication will be packaged for the morning.

3. You will need to avoid refilling the med within 30 days of the camp start date, or you can request only the number of days needed until the start date of camp since that will be the date we will submit to your insurance.

4. Medication prescribed for “daily” use is automatically refilled by our pharmacy and sent to camp for campers attending over 30 days.

5. With controlled meds; such as Concerta or Adderall, an original prescription is required. For campers staying more than 30 days, an additional prescription for a 30 day supply of meds is required. It is against the law for a “controlled substance” to be refilled. Please send a separate prescription for every 30 day supply.

6. If a new medication is needed while at camp, our pharmacy will send any additional medication and/or dose change. You will be charged the shipping cost for any med change or if additional meds are ordered and sent to camp after your initial medication and/or refills have been sent.

7. Once we receive your prescriptions, we will send you an email from info@poetrx.com once we receive them. If you do not receive a confirming email within one week of mailing them, please contact us at (732) 409-1100.

Fill out my online form.